A new executive team
Thank you so much to everyone who made it out to our election last night! We are pleased to announce the members of our new executive team:
President: Brigitte Malana
VP Internal: Krisztina Fulop
VP Finance: Scott Takenaka
VP Events and Engagement: Prodpran Wangcherdchuwong
VP Communications: Sarah Duggan
VP Lower Division: Vladimir Gusyev
Department Representative: Jasper Cattell
SFSS Council Representative: Genver Quirino
SASS Representative: Erika Loggin
The new team is looking forward to planning some social events over the summer, getting to know one another better and representing the interests of all IS students.
** We still have one more executive position available! If you are interested in getting involved as Confluence Representative email issa-pres@sfu.ca!
Summer semester meeting dates will be coming soon!